STIWELL® after stroke

User stories


“I felt the therapy was a great support after my stroke. Since I could not move my arm or hand at all at the start, I was very happy to be able to move my hand later thanks to the electrotherapy. This made me feel great, and encouraged me to continue fighting so that my body could work on its own again soon.

My mobility improved slowly during the therapy. This was very reassuring, and the therapy felt pleasant in my arm and hand. It gives you back a degree of normality after such an experience.

Thus the occupational therapy worked really well and was a lot of fun. I was very happy to have received this therapy. It helped me a lot. Thanks also to the great therapists who work so well together with the STIWELL® therapy.”


“The therapy has greatly supported me in my goal of coping with my everyday tasks at home in a safe and independent manner. The electric current had a positive effect on how my arm and hand feel. The electric treatment made it noticeably safer and easier for me to grasp and move objects.”

In the run-up to the therapy, the 84-year-old patient reported how hampered she was by dropping objects. In the course of therapy, we observed a significant improvement in her grasping function. We carried out and regularly practised everyday activities, such as emptying a dishwasher, with the help of electrical stimulation.


“I had a road accident with a traumatic brain injury over 40 years ago. To this day, I have suffered from pronounced coordination or movement disorders in my right arm and hand (ballism).

Up to now, I could not find a treatment that would achieve a substantial improvement. STIWELL® has been the only treatment that has helped me. The therapist who was treating me was so impressed by the result that she could hardly believe it.

Even people around me noticed a significant improvement in my movement disorder (trembling). I could finally do everyday tasks, like picking up a cup or a glass.

Thanks again to my occupational therapist and the STIWELL® team.”

STIWELL Neurorehabilitation | user story: hemiplegia (hemiparesis)


Khloe was born with hemiplegia (hemiparesis). Electrotherapy was recommended to her mother when she was searching for treatment options. She discovered STIWELL®, which is also ideal for the treatment of children, on the internet. Khloe now exercises twice a day, and her muscles have strengthened significantly in six months.

“... my daughter Khloe was born with hemiplegia. She started regular training with STIWELL® at the age of 2. Her muscles have become so strong, and her coordination has improved so much that she can even take part in swimming lessons now ...”

STIWELL Neurorehabilitation | user story stroke


“I used STIWELL® for rehabilitation after a stroke. Prior to the treatment, I could only use my left arm to a limited extent, only in the shoulder joint area. The muscle tension in my wrist was so severe that I needed regular treatment with Botox. After about 5 sessions with STIWELL®, I noticed that the spasticity was significantly reduced. Hand movements were also becoming easier. I could stretch my fingers without overworking my shoulder. 

A significant improvement was evident after 3 months of electrotherapy. I've been having therapy for 2 and a half years now, but STIWELL® has helped me a lot more in just 3 months. It's a great device and a sensational development... I hope it will be prescribed to many patients, so that they can also look to the future with more confidence.”

Some of the patients performed the therapy using the previous model from STIWELL®.
Our user stories are real events and therapy reports of our patients. Since it is our concern to protect them, we sometimes used Stock-photos upon request.